He Lied

They Died

I was in diapers during the tail end of Vietnam so I certainly don't have much in the way of a feel for the times as, say, my father does (who served a year in Thailand during the war) so a lot of the nuance of the time is lost on me. I realize that the Vietnam war and our involvement was/is a complicated subject; years have been spent debating whether or not we should have ever been there, when we should have left, etc, and I don't think there will be any definitive answer anytime soon.
I do, however, remember a lot of Vietnamese refugees when my father was stationed at Edwards (my mom did a lot of volunteer work with them); people don't leave in droves by any means necessary from a country that is pleasant to live in. There were millions in Vietnam and Cambodia slaughtered and starved by the very regimes we were fighting after we left. Kerry's Winter Soldier testimony to congress helped turn a country against the war, and hastened our withdrawal. If its acceptable to say "He Lied, They Died" about Bush and Iraq, then its equally acceptable to pin at least a modicum of responsibility for the lives of a few million on Kerry too.
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